Our Trusted Partners.

Jane Zohrab

Parenting and guardianship, contracting out agreements, separation agreements, RP, family violence

Jane Zohrab Family Law, Auckland

Rebecca Savage

Relationship property, parenting, legal aid (COCA) and estate disputes

Holland Beckett Law, Tauranga

Annie Tavalea

Parenting, family violence, adoption, Oranga Tamariki, relationship property and legal aid (COCA and FV)

Annie Tavalea Barrister, Auckland

Mark Copeland

Mark Copeland Lawyers, Auckland and Rotorua

Brooke Glasgow

Relationship property, parenting and spousal maintenance

Denham Bramwell Lawyers, Auckland

Susannah Keith

Relationship property, parenting, family violence and Legal Aid (COCA and FV)

HC Legal, Auckland

Callum McLean

Relationship property and parenting

McLean Law, Auckland

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