Ex Files: My ex could be hiding cryptocurrency

Q: I separated from my partner of five years last month. We both work in well paid roles in the finance sector. We never got around to purchasing a property together, we just rented. All my savings went into term deposits with Westpac, and the balance of these accounts now is about $300,000.

My partner often discussed cryptocurrencies and I am aware he traded them frequently. He would stay up late in the evenings trading on his laptop.

We will soon take steps to divide our relationship property. I am concerned that I will lose half my savings and my ex-partner will hide some or all his investments so it will not be a fair division of assets.

A: Your concerns about your ex-partner’s cryptocurrencies are valid. The very appeal of cryptocurrencies for many cryptocurrency owners is their secretive nature: they are difficult to track and trace.

To read the full article on the NZ Herald website click here

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